I Loved Judy!

In a past work life, I got to work with Judy. Judy was the nicest, AND I DO MEAN NICEST, woman. When you walked into our office, you were greeted by Judy. She’d be looking at you before you were even aware she was there. She’d have a big smile on her face and she was ready to do whatever it took to make you feel heard and meet your every need. She’d often ask questions about you and your family. She seemed to know so much detail about you. She was like that favorite teacher who just got you.  

Judy was essential to our front office. She greeted our visitors, answered phones and questions, and helped with other administrative tasks. She also helped produce the organization’s internal and external newsletters. And, she reported to me.  

I loved Judy. She was so incredibly sweet. People loved her. She knew everyone and could give me background on anything in the organization. And, she would do anything I asked her to do with a smile on her face.  

Until, she didn’t.  

Unfortunately, over time, our relationship became strained. She struggled to implement my changes that helped our effectiveness and efficiency. Changes that came as part of my new role and goals. Changes that everyone was telling me they really appreciated and were much needed. Except Judy. Over time she became more resistant to my changes and I became more frustrated with her attitude and work.

It would be easy to have blamed this all on Judy. But that wouldn’t have been the truth. It happened because I didn’t know what I didn’t know about accountability! 

Here’s the quick lesson…

  • Empowerment without accountability leads to low performance.

  • Accountability without empowerment leads to the blame game.

  • Empowerment WITH accountability leads to high performance.

You can’t have one without the other. They are like peanut butter and jelly. Mario and Luigi!


Build Relationships Intentionally


Knee High by the Fourth of July